Leslie has been (unbeknownst to her) a guiding light for me in my twenties and now as I enter into my thirties. Thank you for being such a safe and refreshing part of the internet (and world)!

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Pema Chödrön’s - The Places That Scare You, and Mary Oliver’s - Devotions are staples in my own book cubby!

“Am I a walking cliché of someone going through a spiritual crisis and awakening? Yes.”


Me too, beautiful Leslie. Me, too. 🙏🏼 🤍

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It’s amazing how poetry has this ability to heal wounds and open us to new possibilities. Like Leslie, Mary Oliver is a poet I read to soothe my heart and to remind myself that I am brave and resilient. One of my favorite poems, Wild Geese, reminds me:

You do not have to be good.

You do not have to walk on your knees

for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.

You only have to let the soft animal of your body

love what it loves.

Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.

Lovely interview. So grateful I came across it today.

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Thank you so much for having me, Jane! I've told you before, but your kindness and curiosity ignites mine :) Honored to be featured in your beautiful newsletter!

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Jan 29Liked by Jane Ratcliffe

Amazement. Love that! Loved everything about this. Kindness begets kindness. My heart soars at those 3 words.

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Loved this interview! Huge fan of Leslie’s work & subscriber to Morning Person. I too reread Eat Pray Love last year after my three decades’ marriage ended (my choice). It was a much more visceral experience when I was that woman on the bathroom floor, as Leslie also described. I too love Mary Oliver & dip into Devotions but now inspired by Leslie’s poem-a-day practice. So many points of connection & resonance here!💗 A Mary Oliver line that has become my mantra: ‘There is nothing more pathetic than caution when headlong might save a life, even, possibly, your own.’

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So beautiful. I love this interview, and I love Leslie!

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"To stay curious and kind, and to continue to engage in and strengthen my community."

Boom! Speaks volumes about Leslie because when we commit to curiosity, kindness and authentic engagements, life becomes more joyful and blessed. The rewards of a life well-lived are love and hope. A friend of mine gave me this mantra: "Tell the truth, be kind and remember to say thank you."

Thank you, Jane, and Leslie!

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Jan 31Liked by Jane Ratcliffe

I read Tuesdays with Morrie at a really difficult time. It resonated so deeply with me, I truly believe reading it changed the course of my life. Thank you Jane for the wonderful interview.

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As a Sylva Nc resident and frequent visitor to City Lights, that part made me do a double take, and smile! I’m sure many a revelation has been had in that shop - it’s such a magical place, and wish I had bumped into you there!

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Jan 30Liked by Jane Ratcliffe

I look forward to her writing so much each week and deeply admire her courage and vulnerability. Didn’t didn’t know she was a fellow Wellesley alumna until this interview!

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I knew I would like you when you expressed how much you love Mary Oliver’s book Devotion, and that you discovered it at City Lights Bookstore in Sylvia, NC, which is a special place for me

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“Toast” is a good name for a dog!

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