Aug 26Liked by Jane Ratcliffe

I’d like to get the name of Julie’s couples’ therapist….

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Yes! I think most of us probably would benefit!

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Aug 26Liked by Jane Ratcliffe

Wow! She could be describing exactly my marriage journey!!! Lovely interview. Can't wait to

1. Read Julie's book

2. Try to pick up some crows with my dazzling almonds!

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Hah! I love when that happens. I love Julie's book so so so so so much! It's what inspired me to write my essay about Ortiz! And yes to dazzling almonds!

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“These days, I don’t need anyone to tell me what I’m making is good. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t! That’s not the point.“

I love this so much. And I’m nearly there myself.

Also, I love the befriending of the crows! I had one when I lived in Sedona, it was always in the parking lot of the resort I worked at and I would greet it every day. I got to the point of expecting it to be there every morning and a few days it would fly next to/near to me on my walk to my office. One day it wasn’t there and I felt sad and worried for it.

I haven’t thought of my crow friend in years!

Thank you for introducing us to another beautiful writer!

Welcome to Substack, Julie!

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Every spring I have about a dozen crows who regularly visit my garden (and eat the heads off my lilac before it can bloom!). One of them brought me a gift of a plastic bottle top this year, which is happily on display in my kitchen!

You will LOVE Julie's book. It changed me in a to-the-bone sort of way!

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I love that so much!!! Adding to my stack now! Thank you, Jane :)

Hooray for crow friends!

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Thank you, Mesa! So lovely.

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Aug 27Liked by Jane Ratcliffe

Thank you to Julie. # 10. On desperately needing to be taken care of again. Even as an adult. It happens. Here’s to your Mom & her action.

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Right? Mamas are heroes. Thank you, Julia.

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It does happen! Thank goodness for so many beautiful moms! I'm glad you enjoyed the interview, Julia!

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Aug 26Liked by Jane Ratcliffe

Little Engine the Could was my little favorite, too, and I've wondered if it were because she is a she.

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I LOVED that book, as well. And you're probably right!!

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Oh man, I never thought of that, but I bet you’re right!

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Julie, I was really taken with your description of your marriage journey. The way you and your husband sought guidance was consistent with your calling your mother for help when you were 22. Knowing when you need help and knowing how to get it is a superpower to be much admired and emulated.

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Oh, that's so beautifully put, David! I agree! I'm glad you enjoyed the interview!

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Thank you, David.

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There lots of good material here. I especially like the point about validation, but all if it is useful in one way or another. It also makes me want to read the book.

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I'm so glad, Bill! And the book is wonderful!! Truly one of my favorite books ever!

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Georgia O’Keefe line, “I have already settled it for myself so flattery and criticism go down the same drain and I am quite free.” Thank you for this gem. How liberating! I look forward to discovering this memoir. Today (everyday for me) is National Dog Day!! 🐾 enjoyed the interview so much. 🌷

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I'm so glad! Dog Medicine is truly one of my favorite books ever! I think you will love it!

Yes, same here! And National Cat Day, as well!

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Ooo… definitely will check it out!

Cats too, of course!

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Thank you so much! Indeed national dog day is every day here too!

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I love how the questions guide a deeply spiritual response. I too have only recently begun to recognize intuition as a guiding force. Well done!

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Oh, thank you, Christine. That means a lot! I'm glad you enjoyed the interview!

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Aug 26Liked by Jane Ratcliffe

Enjoyed the piece…O’Keeffe has two “f”s in it…just remember she was “extra”…🙂

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Thanks Cyd, good catch! :)

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Thank you! Just changed it. And glad you enjoyed it! 🌸

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I love Julie, “Dog Medicine” and this piece. So fun!

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So glad you enjoyed it! And I agree!

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Loved the interview Jane, and Julie, just finished your book in two days. So beautifully written and honors the love between your soul pal, Bunker, and you. We are forever changed by the loving devotion of an animal. Me Too! 🐾💜

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Jane, I'm compiling questions for what I intend to be a book of interviews about "elder wisdom." With your permission, I'd like to incorporate some of yours. Here is my list in progress. All ideas welcome!

Questions for Elder Wisdom

From Jane Ratcliffe, Lauren Aliza Green, Cynthia Bourgealt, Christine Valters Paintner, Christine Beck

1. What is the best piece of wisdom you have received?

2. What article of clothing makes you feel most like you?

3. Tell me about a special bond with a pet.

4. What’s one thing you are happy worked out differently than you expected?

5. What is the favorite way your body expresses itself?

6. What kindness changed your life?

7. What is a guiding force in your life?

8. What “newness” is still percolating within you?

9. What can you be curious about instead of critical?

10. What is your deeply in grained self-image, your story of “who you are?”

11. What qualities from your younger years would you like to discard today?

12. How do you want to spend your precious energy, just for today?

13. What are your new rhythms of replenishment and resilience?

14. Who are your best supporters and how do they mirror back your authentic self?

15. Who have been your mentors through life?

16. Who are your mentors today?

17. Who are your guiding spiritual resources today? (people who have passed, saints, angels, etc.)

18. Have there been points of “punctuated equilibrium” in your life? (places where you were in a slump or steady state and then something magical/mysterious happened?) What?

19. What do you do to maintain your sense of humor?

20. Do you have any rituals (eg, reading, praying, meditating, yoga, watching birds) that help you feel most like yourself?

21. Fill in the blank? I am a _____. What would be in the blank at age 20, 30, 40 etc?

22. Is there a job or relationship you stayed in too long? How did you decide to get out?

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Hi Christine! I'm not sure I understand what you're suggesting here. Perhaps you can email me with the details? Thanks!

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