Thanks Suzanne, your response to Jane's great questions inspire me to do and be better. I love that one of your intentions for the year is to notice when grace is tapping you on the shoulder. It is also my desire to live that way every day, in a state of allowing and surrender. This is a work in progress!

Being from Canada my childhood was heavily influenced by Anne of Green Gables, she was an adventurer who overcame a great deal to thrive. So good! Charlotte's Web and Judy Blume's work also held prominence, as did the Archie comics I got to read while waiting for my piano lesson, which was a good thing because the piano teacher was quite grumpy!

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Jan 1Liked by Jane Ratcliffe

Oh wow now I want to reread Charlotte’s Webb, Stuart Little, and The Trumpet of the Swan. I wonder why there aren’t more animal novels for adults?

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"Do no harm. Try to help." These have been part of my baggage on this long trip of life, the first part inspired by "First, do no harm" attributed to the Hippocratic oath taken by physicians early in their training. I trained 3rd-year residents in family medicine at one time in my career and have been part of the larger medical community for a long time. The second part of trying to help was reignited by Larry Mellon in Haiti whom I visited a couple of times there to see his work where he built Hopital Albert Schweitzer. Larry dedicated the hospital to Schweitzer because of his mantra, "Help life where you find it." For all of us who want to share more kindness, compassion, and caring in 2024, these are the gold standard. Thanks, Suzanne, and thanks Jane for a great start to another year.

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Another great interview! I now have The Guest on my reading list. Heard so many people praise it! As a child, The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew Up made me feel safe and courageous, as the five children and Mamsie stayed happy and safe despite their poverty. The Wizard of Oz had the same impact on me. Personal and professional goals: Personal, to live more in the present, to truly inhabit my word of 2024, Abundance, and professional, to find a publisher for my first novel of adult contemporary fiction (I've finished two previous young adult novels).

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I tend to skip interviews but I’m so glad I read this one! Not least because I also dance to Linda Ronstadt in the kitchen :) Loved her description of the encounter with the bear.

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The Guest was also at the very top of the books I read in 2023. To create a protagonist you root for and dismays you at the same time is no easy feat, and Emma Cline pulls off that ambivalence brilliantly. As well, I'm familiar with her setting, and she's faithful to it where many other authors stumble.

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