Hello Beyonders!
Thank you for that outpouring of love for my boy Ortiz! It’s clear we’re a community of dog lovers! Which is great because I have some exciting news to share.
Starting today, 1% of every paid subscription to Beyond will be donated to The DeTommaso Dogs.
Ana Detommaso started rescuing dogs (and the occasional kitty) four years ago. At that point, she was doing it pretty much single-handedly. Since then she has grown into a thriving charity with a devoted group of foster parents, adoption meetups, spay and neutering events, and more. She’s gotten hundreds and hundreds of dogs off the streets and into their forever homes. So many of these beautiful beings are in horrifying and heartbreaking states when she finds them. Ana whisks them off to the vet’s, stays by their side, brings some of the most desperate cases into her own home to heal or arranges for care with fosters, organizes adoptions, and probably far more than I know about. Not all of her sweet babies make it, and she stays with them until the end. She works tirelessly (I do mean nonstop!!) from sunrise to sunset. Even on the rare vacation, dogs find her! I’m not sure how she physically, mentally, or emotionally carries all that she does.
I’ve long dreamed of making a mountain of money and giving it to Ana and her dogs (and some to just Ana so she can treat herself to a day at the spa). But since that mountain hasn’t yet appeared, I thought this would a wonderful first step.
You can follow Ana on Instagram or Facebook. Or visit her website. Each of these highlights her beautiful dogs and provides information if you’d like to make a direct donation.
I’m so happy about this new venture. So much is hard in the world these days: my guiding light with Beyond is to offer as much hope and joy and wisdom, and to relieve as much suffering, as possible. So alongside the interviews and essays and artist profiles and questionnaires—we now have The DeTommaso Dogs!
In gratitude,

Must love dogs was one of my favorite old movie titles.
Bless you and Ana. I will try and do what I can.